Thursday, August 20, 2009

Before. " "Sure when I'm paid. But the fact is I thought this was a straightforward.

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That these men feel as deeply as you do. I suppose it would surpass your wildest thought if I should say I want the woman as much as you do or that I could be telling sweet sentences to La Santa Roja perhaps better than you could. " Captain Morgan had flushed under the lash of words. He did not believe it. It was monstrous to think that these men could feel as he did. Such a comparison made him somehow unworthy. "You wonder why I say these things?" Coeur de Gris continued. "I will tell you. The pain has made me mad and I am going to die. " He walked on silently for a little distance then suddenly he screamed and fell heavily to the ground. For a full minute Captain Morgan looked at him. Then a great harsh wave seemed to break forth in his chest. He knew that minute how much he had come to love the young lieutenant knew that he could not bear to lose young Coeur de Gris. Now he had dropped to his knees beside the silent figure..
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